Jaren Stover's profileIA/ID @ KSU's profile

Polish Saw

Polish Saw
Introducing a new polisher to the market that is specifically targeted to semi show truck polishers that will use this one simple tool all day. This tool is designed to help reduce fatigue and stress that accumulates on the users body from days, months, and years of polishing. The Polish Saw is looking to help the user access tighter areas that are currently being done by hand. The tool is held in a certain way to ensure that the user gets the shine and polish they are driving to achieve. Along with these qualities, the design is looking to keep the user safe by helping them avoid splashing dirt and chemicals while cleaning.
Evan Steger, 43
Semi Show Truck Polisher
Has spent many hours perfecting his craft in the world of polishing big rigs.
People come from all over the country to go to his shop and get their trucks and trailers show ready.
Or to just keep their daily rig in top tier shape on the road.
Has build a phenomenal team around him improving on the process of polishing everyday.
ways to hold Polish Saw
Full process book
Polish Saw

Polish Saw
